Love is.......

My cat reminds me of people 'playing games' in relationships.

I just want to say: "LOOK CAT! You want me to pet you, and I want you to be happy on my lap. Why the hell do you act like you don't want anything- as the cat walks away and neither of us get what they want."

Are U LIke ur Mom....... Another of those quizzes

You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom
Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.

“I trust you” is a better compliment than “I love you” because you may not always trust the one you love, but believe me, you can always love the person you trust for the rest of your life.

Sometimes, we are in love in the idea of falling in love. Loving the illusion of having or missing someone. It's alright to feel happy thru other people, but don't get dependent on achieving happiness by being with someone. Love yourself first before sharing your life with somebody, because if you don't, you will always look for people that you think can make you complete. And in the end, it will make you lose yourself more, bit by bit, piece by piece.