Back Again.....

Yup, Thats the Road

Got back on campus from Jamshedpur yesterday. Decided to catch the early morning bus 6 o' clock bus to Ranchi.

The roads have,sadly, gotten worse with the oncoming rains, and the bus driver was in his I-feel-like-Schumaker-today mode, which meant i was hanging onto my seat handle while he drove at blitzy 60 kmph (mind you, thats a bus i am talking about). And before you scoff at that, do understand the fact that the roads are narrow, bumpy, and in the rains, extremely and treacherously unpredictable....,Hell, I have seen so many accidents on the turns out here I have lost count.

But thats not what this post is about. What I really want u ppl to kno is that, though the road had deteriorated from what it was a couple of years ago, the early-morning, slightly-drizzling beauty of this road is breathtaking. Scroll up to the pics below, and trust me when I say, they dont do any justice to the glory of the hills the road wades through.

One of the rare times in my life when i have had absolutely no regrets about waking up at five in the morning....... ahh nature...