Hello World...

So i know, I've been a li'l irregular in postin out here (if u can call a taking close to a year off as irregular),
but hell, people, gimme something to motivate me u know.... like a kind comment or two....(wink wink)

Though, to be optimistic and hope someone other than me, and google is actually reading this page, if you are there..
Hi to you...

So like i said, i have my excuses, all the usual ones u kno, college authoroties finally taking the pains to repair our Fibre Optic Cable which was broken some aeons ago... U dont want me to go into that.

Then the mid sems, and then the end sems, and blah blah...

So today i sat down to check my orkut scrapbook....
You see , it was my birthday a couple of days ago...
So, i sat down and saw so many scraps wishing me a happy birthday.

Felt good, but then i got down to thinkin, does it all really matter??
I mean , who doesnot love getting birthday wishes. Also, the fact that Orkut makes it possible to miss none of your friends birthdays.

But then, isnt that what counts????

Isnt the feeling u get when someone calls you up and wishes u, so good. The fact that they actually remembered?? That they took the pains of calling you up on your special day and making you feel good...

Isnt Orkut, in a way, making it all so impersonal...

Or maybe thats the ways things are going.....

I mean, to remember birthdays, most of us use Calenders, or Diaries, right???
Isnt orkut just another, better extension of the same??

Technology is all pervading, and am myself a big fan of it....Hell, i swear by technology.

But small things like this, make me pause sometimes, and wonder..... is it all the right way to go??

Maybe we should leave some aspects of our life away from technology...

Then again, maybe we shouldn't..



Unknown said...

ooops...m sooory...bltd hapy bday

Unknown said...

c i dnt use d ORKUT TECHNOLOGY 2 wish u..its ur own blog...only problm is dt m a bt late...bt m sure dst matr